Akhil Abraham George

| Engineer | Programmer | Consultant | Photographer | Gamer|

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Install admin dashboard on your Jekyll blog

Install admin dashboard on your Jekyll blog

One major problem users face with the Jekyll blog is adding new posts. While writing a new post using markdown language, adding a new image or formatting the blog post...

Create a Jekyll blog using command line on localhost server

Create a Jekyll blog using command line on localhost server

Jekyll is known for building static blogs to be hosted on Github. What makes it special is its minimalist design and fast page load speeds.

Using raspberry pi and cloud to control a remote display

Using raspberry pi and cloud to control a remote display

This was done as part of our Bachelors’s Technology project in 2014. The Project was named Kloudtise - Cloud, and Advertise. Introduction A simple platform for the advertiser to display...

How to get free access to SAP Cloud platform developer edition?

How to get free access to SAP Cloud platform developer edition?

SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) is a Platform as a service offered by SAP. It provides a development and runtime environment, which lets you build, extend, and integrate business applications in...

How to disable single or specific keys from laptop keyboard?

How to disable single or specific keys from laptop keyboard?

Built-in keyboard keys malfunction is one problem that most laptop users face at some point in time and it is quite annoying. In some cases, one or more keys get...

How to setup Jenkins for Python unit testing?

How to setup Jenkins for Python unit testing?

Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration tool. It is used to automate the tasks such as building, testing, and deployment of code. In this post, I will explain to you...