How to: Install gcc on Windows

How to: Install gcc on Windows

GNU Compiler Collection or commonly known as gcc is a compiler used for r C, C++, Objective-C, and other programming languages. Setting up gcc in windows is a tedious task sometimes. below is a simple method to install gcc on windows 10 or 11.

  1. Download MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows from Sourceforge.
  2. After downloading run mingw-get-setup.exe.
  3. In MinGW installation manager, Select mingw32-gcc-g++ under Basic Setup.
  4. From the menu select Installation > Apply changes.
  5. The program will download and install the components.
  6. Once installation is completed you need to set up enviornment variables
  7. From Windows start, search Enviornment Variables.
  8. Select Enviornment Variables under Advanced tab.
  9. Select Path under System variables and click on edit.
  10. Add C:\MinGW\bin and save.
  11. Now open Terminal or command prompt and check gcc --version.

If the command returns you the gcc version, then gcc is installed on your system and the paths are configured as expected.

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